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understanding is a matter handled and managed at the highest level within
Labsert. This is also a matter used as a management system not only in
manufacturing process but also in fields such as management of customer
services, shipments, human resources etc. Improvement of quality system is
carried out as a regular work in Labsert. We provide necessary resources and
carry out our operations by being aware that total quality understanding is the
fundamental source of sustainability in all activities of the company.
Quantitation analysis and tests during certification works are carried out at our sub-contracted business partnership ISO 17025 accredited laboratories and/or Labsert laboratories. As a part of manufacturing process of reference standards, detailed result of analysis is presented on a report which is prepared according to ISO 17034 assessment (Certified by Vertacert: A1541744). Products certification of chemicals and sorbent materials are prepared according to ISO 9001 procedures.
Labsert's manufacturing capacity is registered by The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) with a capacity report. Our manufacturing capacity is officially controlled by TOBB during our capacity report's currency (Report No: 11/2018)
managements in all manufacturing process are among the most
important issues for users. As Labsert, we apply a process beyond recognized
international certification conditions at this point in order to ensure
international quality and to keep reliability of results at the highest level. Some important levels in quality assurance are:
addition to these conditions, additional tests and analyses carried out as per
ISO 17034 conditions for reference standards:
All raw materials used for manufacturing are selected at the highest purity, legal conformity and standards-compliant depending on production field and under possible supply conditions.
Raw materials used for manufacturing of reference standard materials are selected from reference standard materials and/or high purity organic compounds. Attention is paid to ensure that all solvents used for manufacture are ultra-pure (Chromatography grade). Amber glass bottles, amber glass ampules, low particles HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) or PPCO (Poly-Propylene Copolymer) bottles are subjected to bacterial and residual control by suitable wave length lamps before getting it into use.
In manufacturing Quechers kits, Pre-Tested Leak Proof Tubes, Extra Dried Salts, High-Purity Phase Chemicals and Disposable Slim Salt Packs are used to ensure high quality for customers. We also use extra dry and pure sorbent chemicals in manufacturing of SPE columns.
For mechatronic systems, chemical and heat resistance materials are selected. All materials which are used in manufacturing of mechatronic systems and devices, are bought according to technical specifications that include requirements for CE conformity, ISO standards conformity, legal safety regulations etc.
Temperature and humidity controls are carried out and recorded daily in manufacturing and storage areas. Following completion of manufacture, products are made ready for shipment by being placed in suitable packages to minimize environmental effects and for extra protection.
Manufacture of reference standards meets conditions to ensure NIST (when available) and SI unit based traceability. During instrumental quantitative analysis within our certification process, calibration curves are generated by NIST traceable certified reference materials. Furthermore, calibration is also carried out by weights having NIST traceability for all mass measurements used for certification. Considering manufactures or methods where NIST traceability is not possible, similar metrological traceability or traceability with secondary source reference materials are provided.